Tuesday, June 14, 2016

30 Days to Healthy Living

So if you know me at all, you know that I sell Rodan + Fields.  If you're curious, you can check that out here.  I decided that if I want my friends to support my business, then I should, in turn, support theirs.  I have LuLaRoe tops, Shakelee Vitamins, and recently I attended a friend's Arbonne party.  Arbonne is an all natural line of makeup, skincare, and nutrition products.  I had heard about their skincare, since they are a competitor for Rodan + Fields, but this was the first time that I had heard about their nutrition.  You can check out the Arbonne website here.

I sampled their protein powder and drinks, and decided to sign up for a 30 Days to Healthy Living system.  I quit Weight Watchers a few months ago.  After 2 years on WW I just wasn't doing it, and I felt like I was wasting my money.  I never had lost the weight I gained over the holidays (um, hello, it's JUNE), and I felt like I needed something different to get me motivated again. On this plan you eliminate gluten, corn, soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol (gasp), and most processed foods.

I got the box last week and checked it all out.  You drink 1-2 protein shakes per day, along with a healthy meal or two.  There's a tea and some fizzy drinks to hold you in between meals.  Yesterday was day 1.  I did my regular 9Round workout and followed the program.  Today I walked 3 miles, and had an extra (approved) shake after my walk.  There is a Facebook page that coaches me along the way each day, which I like.  Although today's post was talking about limiting exercise.  The point being if you eat too few calories, your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to fat.  While I'm not going to limit exercise, I will be careful to eat enough calories.

Let me know if you've ever done this program, and what your results were.  My goal is weight loss (duh).  20 pounds would be great, but seems ambitious.  Gotta go, it's time to drink my detox tea.

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