Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Finding my Why

At Weight Watchers a lot of the talk in the meeting room this year has been about Finding Your Why. In other words, figure out the reason why you want to lose weight.  The first time I heard this, I thought it was completely stupid.  My why? I'm fat, that's my why.  I even mentioned this to my WW leader, Lori.  She said to reach deeper.I didn't get it.  Some members say that their why is their kids or their grandkids.  Some say it's their health, or to get off medications for high blood pressure or whatever.

None of those reasons are it for me.  I have literally been trying to lose weight my entire life.  I can remember being 8 years old and not being allowed to have the snacks my friends and sister were having.  I went to my first weight loss center at 10 years old, and did Nutri System around age 12.  I went to a Weight Watchers camp for 5 weeks when I was 15.  I did Weight Watchers in college, after college,  and after having each of my 3 kids.

Although I grew up generally active with swim team, softball, track, and other sports here and there, my activity slowed down as I got older.  By the time I had my 3rd child at age 36, I was getting no exercise at all.  I decided to change that, and now at age 48, I have run 2 half marathons, completed 2 triathlons, too many 5k's to count, and I work out almost every day.  In all these years, I have never reached my goal weight.  I've gotten within 10 pounds a few times.  I'm about 20 pounds away from goal right now.

So what's my why?  I'd say I've given up on being "thin".  I would rather be strong.  I can do exercises in the gym now that I couldn't even attempt a few years ago.  I like that I can jump rope without stopping, or do burpees, or hold a plank for 2 minutes, or run 3 miles.  I think that's enough why for me right now.  What's your why?

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