Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 9 / RIP Magic Bullet

My Magic Bullet is officially dead.  The plastic part that turns the blade has shaved off to the point that it no longer turns anything.  I know these things are crap, but it's so convenient and easy to make my smoothies in them.  So I ordered a Nutri Bullet off of Amazon. If you have a different brand that you love, please leave a comment and let me know.  I'm sure this new one won't last long either.

Instead of the Magic Bullet, I've been using my old blender bottle shaker cup.  It has a wire ball wisk type thing in it that helps mix the powder.  It works pretty well for just mixing stuff.   For breakfast I just made a chocolate protein and fiber shake in this and ate some berries.  Lunch was Ezekiel break with cashew butter and fruit.  And dinner was a chocolate protein and fiber shake on the way to the swim meet.  I'll have to do better with vegetables tomorrow.

I volunteered at the swim meet from 5:30-9:30.  I watched kids and adults scarf down ice cream, pizza, candy, and fried chicken sandwiches. I kept asking the kids if I could hold their ice cream for them.  These kids around here are too smart and no one fell for my tricks. When I got home I was hungry, so I ate some almonds.  I checked my fitbit, and had only walked 5400 steps.  I guess my duties as a timer at the swim meet didn't allow for many steps.  However I sure was exhausted.  I don't think I sat down at all during those 4 hours.  My socks were completely soaked through from getting splashed so much.  Good times.  But I do like seeing kids swim, so it was ok.  And our team won the meet ! :)

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