Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I love gadgets and technology.  I remember thinking that my Palm Pilot was the greatest thing ever, LOL.  Fast forward 15 years and now I'm hooked on my iPhone and iPad.  My latest addiction is my Fitbit.  The Fitbit is a fancy pedometer that measures how many steps you take a day, and how many calories you burn a day.  It can also measure your sleep, track your food, and track your water intake.  You can sync your Fitbit to an app on your phone and keep track of your steps during the day.  You can also challenge your friends with Fitbits to see who can walk the most steps per day or week. 

The Fitbit flex.  This is the one I have.

My goal that I set for myself is 10,000 steps per day.  That equals about 5 miles.  I have found that this doesn't just happen unless I focus on it.  My workouts at 9Round don't usually give me more that 1,000 steps.  So I walk around the house or walk in place while watching TV or whatever.  My house is a 2 story,  and I like the feeling that every time I go up and down the steps I get "credit" for it. 

Yesterday I did my 9Round workout, ate lunch, and was not really hungry, but looking through the cabinets for something else to eat.  I decided to go for a walk instead.  I walked the mile to the elementary school, sat with my daughter for her lunchtime, and then walked the mile home.  I ended the day with over 13,000 steps, which I felt good about.  However my friend Diahann still beat me in number of steps for the day!  I am not sure how she is doing that.  Must be the house walking. 

The fitbit will buzz when you hit your step goal for the day.  It's like it's cheering you on and saying YAY you did it.  Sometimes it's the little things that can motivate you toward that big goal.  If you have a Fitbit, send me a friend request! My email is  I've been sitting too long now, gotta get up and walk!

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